Iowa State study warns of bean leaf beetles

These beetles can cause extensive damage including foliar and stem damage.
These beetles can cause extensive damage including foliar and stem damage. | File photo

Soybean growers are warned to be vigilant for bean leaf beetles after an Iowa State University Extension predicted mortality rates of 35-68 percent. 

These beetles can cause extensive damage including foliar and stem damage and bean pod mottle virus that results in mottling, green stem symptoms and high yield loss.  

“Bean leaf beetles can be erratic,” Rich Lee, a product development agronomist at Syngenta, said. “Timely scouting is extremely important if you’re going to treat for bean leaf beetles. If you see pod feeding later in the summer, you should pull the trigger on an insecticide — you wouldn’t want pod loss on your soybeans.”

Syngenta’s Endigo ZC insecticide is an option to prevent bean leaf beetles from damaging crops. When used with Endigo ZC’s tank-mix, it is also an option for rotational product in pest management.