Precision Laboratories introduces new soybean inoculant

After a decade of collaboration between Precision Laboratories and Rizobacter S.A., the world’s first premium, single-component soybean seed inoculant, called Signum, has been created.

This is a critical step to feed the world's ever-growing population because it maximizes the biological capabilities of soybeans, specifically to fix nitrogen problems and increase soybean yield, according to Precision Laboratories.
"Signum sets a new standard for premium, retailer-applied soybean inoculants because its unique formulation has only one component," Terry Culp, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Precision Laboratories, said. "This means easier handling and fewer issues with product mixing for the applicator, while increasing yield for the grower."

In past soybean inoculates, there was the need to mix two or more components when applying the product. Signum eliminates this need by already including the parts needed for bacterial stability and pesticide compatibility of the seed.

Three new technologies are used in Signum. The bio inducer is used to stimulate bacteria for aggressive root infection, osmoprotection strengthens the cell wall for greater desiccation resistance and the intra-protector enables single-component formulation.

"We've developed these technologies to ultimately deliver increased plant health and yield for the grower," Culp said. "With Signum, the indicators of increased yield are evident right from the start with enhanced stand, vigor and root nodulation."