Jeff Hill launches agricultural consultation firm

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Jeff Hill, of Clovis, California, has opened ATP Agriculture and Irrigation Consultants, he announced on Friday.

The firm aims to provide information based on the latest scientific findings and technology in agriculture and specific areas in agriculture including crop protection, fertilizers and irrigation.

He states that no farm is exactly the same as any other, and each farm has its own challenges and concerns that require individual attention to detail and management. Through consultations, Hill hopes he will be able to help growers reach the highest levels of efficiency in their material use, allowing the greatest possible number of high-quality yields.

Hill works as an agronomist and has experience with farming, chemicals, fertilizer and water management. He earned a bachelor's degree in plant and soil science and plant physiology from Fresno State University.

He is joined by a team of consultants from a variety of backgrounds relating to the agricultural industry, including fellow agronomists, crop specialists and irrigation exerts. According to the announcement, Hill and his team aim to provide help to growers who face increasing challenges and criticism in their use of water and chemical compounds, and they state that the team behind ATP will allow growers to improve production and ensure healthy soil.